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Posted by: greg on 9/2/2023 7:18 PM

It's Saturday September 2nd at 7:16 pm,,and you guys are rocking

7 Replies
Added by greg

And thank God for turning the furnace off,, beautiful weather here in Texas,,lol for now..
Added by bobbyn

over here in far west texas been great in the mornings but after 12noon it's a hot mofo... and yes great music this weekend, thank you wildcard and chaz!!!
Added by greg

81 here now
Added by bobbyn

where in tx bud?
Added by bobbyn

a few of us are out here in the far west tx area///not all but some are cool...
Greg how old are ya's ...betcha i got you for at least 2 yrs>>>>> the zew is cool.
Added by greg

I am 62
Added by greg

I'm south of Dallas in Waxahachie about 35 minutes south
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