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eric johnson!!

Posted by: bobbyn on 6/7/2023 9:12 PM

bad ass....

10 Replies
Added by bobbyn

frankzappa is the coolest>>> lots of my friends were like...Zappa for President...
Added by bobbyn

john cafferty...not since i seen the movie.... kewl. had to check google...LOL>> yeah im old but not forgetful... HA!
philippino music>>>
Added by bobbyn

john cafferty...not since i seen the movie.... kewl. had to check google...LOL>> yeah im old but not forgetful... HA!
philippino music>>> and then you have the nerve to play kings x and then Giant>>> BOOYAH!!
Added by bobbyn

and then the oxygen song.... the sweet. Nice>
Added by bobbyn

Hey, wait, WHAT!! my iq is like a hurricane ..... err, wait...yeah... 138 and chazmixon is like kewl. thanx, Chaz
{music scale : 50-70 average
80-120 knowledgable
125-130 the youngens 42 and below.
130+ rockers>>
Added by bobbyn

me....130; js.
;') grinder is cool....judas priest kicks butt..
Added by bobbyn

Alex Van Halen....he was one of the great ones>>> RIPAlex ..... the Clouds right??
Added by bobbyn

2019.... new from Yes... right-on
Added by Wildcard

BOBBYN - I've been sending you emails. Must not be getting through. Call me when you can 469-708-9902.
Added by bobbyn

kewl thanx
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