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Thank you for the deep purple song

Posted by: bobbyn on 6/1/2024 9:47 PM

Remind me of when they canceled the El paso. And thank you guys for kicking some ass.

10 Replies
Added by bobbyn

And for the informal UFO song but that was cool I haven't heard that in a long time.... Thank you guys
Added by bobbyn

And for the informal UFO song but that was cool I haven't heard that in a long time.... Thank you guys
Added by bobbyn

Kansas... Well we know where that came from thanks dude.
Added by bobbyn

It's funny I still know the words...
Added by bobbyn

Robin Trower just throws it out there... Oldie but goodie...
Added by bobbyn

Jethro Tull.. NICE. Haven't heard that since high school I graduated 75.
Added by bobbyn

The country song...I was hopin' for. Copperhead Road.
Added by bobbyn

The country song...I was hopin' for. Copperhead Road.
Added by bobbyn

9 years ago.... When I became a veteran with zipper. Those who know will know.
Added by bobbyn

Shooting Star.... Of course
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