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There's a new feature. Can you find it? :)

Posted by: Wildcard on 7/25/2023 1:47 PM

Click around.

10 Replies
Added by thogsett

Album art full size?
Added by Billy D

Added by Wildcard

Yep. Click on the spinning record artwork and full size album cover appears. You can leave it open and it will update so if you don't want the spin, you can cover it.
Added by bill miles

Look under the ZOO logo for new stuff. I just posted to twitter.
Added by Zoobie Doo

Best feature ever!
Added by Wildcard

Thanks Zoobie Doo!
Added by Zoobie Doo

Just thanking you again for this feature. The amount of album art I have viewed while listening is staggering.
Added by GerDon

I like it. But I still like the spinning record. Reminds me of the old Zoo. Thanx for everything you do.
Added by GerDon

And yes. The lava lamp is flowing.
Added by bostonfrog

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