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Artist not matching

Posted by: GerDon on 6/19/2023 1:45 PM

You said you saw Kim Mitchell and played Trapeze. Something is wrong. ???

4 Replies
Added by GerDon

This has happened a couple times before but I didn’t want to point it out. Figured it was just a glitch. But thought y’all should know.
Added by admin

Checked the logs, and yes, it was a glitch. Sorry about that!
Added by GerDon

No need to be sorry. Glitches happen with new systems. I just wanted y’all to be aware of it. I might not have even noticed it if hadn’t been Black Cloud by Trapeze. Got that whole album memorized. It’s good from start to finish. Another one JD turned me onto.
Added by Wildcard

Yeah, we have some tributes to JD in the archives. Still unpacking but you'll hear them on the zoo again soon!
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