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ideas...about promoting this space

Posted by: bobbyn on 6/3/2023 12:44 AM

... seems like everything has to have a space..i dont believe in that ... *shakeshead* we are i have an idea.... i belong to a vfw group and knows lots of people who ride motorcycles....these a guys and women are of the veterans families and straglers who are kewl.....from the olden to the youngens.. i am not known to clarify, however.... i want to do a sort of classic zew rock.... stand. hey, we are old and we can rock....maybe some of the youngens will come about. Inputs are almost required but then in the usaf we hurried and waited>>> ;') congrats zew aminals>>

4 Replies
Added by bobbyn

robin trower.... BOOYAH!!
Added by bobbyn doggie is gonna give birth...gonna be another grandpa> a puppy the boston terrier kind>
Added by bobbyn

havent heard this since the station until the inevitable...
Added by bobbyn

all fall down>>>
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