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Posted by: GerDon on 7/2/2023 2:15 PM

Y’all did it again. Beat Shazam! Shazam couldn’t find your Red Siren. All is forgiven. Good stuff! And to be honest I’ve never heard this. So the Zoo is still taking me to school. Just as JD did. Thanx everyone at the Zoo.

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5 Replies
Added by GerDon

UhOh! Now I’m a little frustrated. Tried to find Red Siren on Spotify. They’re there but not this song/album. That came out in 1989. Help me find it?
Added by Wildcard

I agree with you GerDon. So much great music seems buried - until now!

The game I like to play is to try and guess the song before the song data catches up and is displayed. So much fun rediscovering music!
Added by GerDon

Found it! On YouTube. Of course.
Added by GerDon

I also play that game. I used to be pretty good. Until now. But I love hearing stuff that I missed out on. Keep it up.
Added by Wildcard

Yeah, we swim in the deep end of the music pool. :)
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