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vfw, friends in the mountain..

Posted by: bobbyn on 5/27/2023 1:38 AM

Robin Trower....

7 Replies
Added by Wildcard

Glad you're rocking with us in the mountains! We have special premier in the morning at 850am-9:10am. Listen in!
Added by bobbyn

Added by bobbyn

told the female over at the VFW.... gimme some slack... hehe... so good to hear some great music and some leverage... i have 10 doggies all bostons....yeah, right!!~~~
Added by bobbyn

Zappa for president.....
Added by bobbyn

this station rocks>>>
Added by bobbyn

guys>>> chaz and wild one.....thANX,,, guys>
hey i can say anything..... but this is 2kewl... thanx, i am grateful.
Added by bobbyn

yeah....i guess.....being a wild child. good shot!~~
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