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Posted by: Johnny Lee on 12/20/2023 11:38 PM

who all was there besides me

10 Replies
Added by Wildcard

Me. Sunburned to a crisp. Stupid kid. :)
Added by coyote

Bring Back the Texas Jam!!!
Added by Zoobie Doo

There at 15 years old.
Added by mesquite

Was there and I think two as hell. A buddy and I filled two galllon water coolers with beer. One of us went in and the other threw the coolers over the fence. We had beer while everybody else was drinking cokes and passing out from the heat.
Added by Angela

Went to the 1982 (Journey headlined) and 1985 (Deep Purple headlined) jams. Nasty hot on the field of the Cotton Bowl in 1982, so in 1985 I got seats in the stands, where the upper level covers part of the had some shade, and kept dry during a brief rain at the start.

I remember all the Where is Sammy? signs...he was at several of the jams.
Added by JD from Big D

Didn't make it to the '78 Jam but made it to 4 others and they were ALL hot as Hell!

Good times and wouldn't have missed those shows for anything.
Added by CharlieD

A friends mother drove 5 of us teenagers to the Jam - all sophomores in high school. She dropped us off, got a hotel room for herself and came to pick us up once it was over. Still can’t believe she did that - what a great experience we all had. Still have the t-shirt, now memorialized in a nice frame!
Added by Johnny Lee

that's too cool
Added by Angela

I'm sure she won the vote for coolest mom.
Added by GtoMorris

In 1978 I was living about 10 minutes from the Cottonbowl. My neighbor got a free ticket somewhere. He ran up early in the morning, got in, got the wrist band but they didn't take his ticket away.
So he came back home, we drink a bunch of beer, he gave me the (used) ticket and we both went back and got in free!
What a show that was!
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