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Another request

Posted by: GerDon on 5/19/2024 4:57 PM

I think this song belongs on the Zoo. It’s a song that I first heard on the old Zoo. Hard for me to remember exactly but I think Jon Dillon played it on his Dillon’s Dungeon. The song is Downer by Kapt. Kopter and the (Fabulous) Twirly Birds. I the very first song on the album. It’s actually a Randy California solo album. Formerly from Spirit. And I think Ed Cassidy played drums on a couple tracks. But it’s kinda funny after I heard that song I hauled ass to the nearest record store and bought it. Turned out to be the only good song on the album. The song has a very Hendrix vibe to it. Actually I thought it was Hendrix before Dillon said who it was. But back then records were a lot cheaper than they are now. So I didn’t mind buying an album with only one good song. That song was worth it. Check it out if you can. I just checked and they’ve finally added it to Spotify.

2 Replies
Added by Wildcard

I remember that one. It's a white album or something. We'll find it!
Added by GerDon

Yes you’re correct. It’s white. Spotify has it. If you find it and listen to it I’m pretty sure you’re gonna add it to the Zoo. The best radio station in the galaxy!
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