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barrack stereo wars....

Posted by: bobbyn on 7/3/2023 9:52 PM

circa: 1978-1980
we had stereo wars; which means half of the first floor had nice stereos with un-Godly amounts a wattage from kenwood big ass speakers to Bose 901's and everything in between (amps were like the latest in that year.... we were all overseas and the air force put us together...Lightning Strikes by Aerosmith reminds me of that....also the charge a quarters from upstairs had to come down and ordered us to lower it down..... this station ROCKS!!``````` ;')

3 Replies
Added by bobbyn

Austin Tx....bergstrom afb... Baby Dolls. first time for everything.
Added by bobbyn

W>A>S>P> LOL>>> go home it didnt work there and it dont work in west texas>>>
Added by bobbyn

in my defense, i have no idea what i was trying to say, 2much wine...LOL
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