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Posted by: GerDon on 12/4/2024 9:31 AM

Hey Wildcard are ya gonna play Christmas songs on Christmas day? Like ya did for Halloween?

16 Replies
Added by Wildcard

Probably. But might have to sprinkle some rock and roll on it!
Added by GerDon

That’s what I meant. Christmas rock.
Added by bobbyn

wildcard..... yes there are lots of tunes especially from the early 80's... i was outside of STL back then....midwest music (of which KZEW is a part of) kicks ass..... knows no bounds. BOOM!!
Added by bostonfrog

Father Christmas by the Kinks (greatest of all rock Christmas songs)
Could you get away with Fairytale of New York by the Pogues here?
Step into Christmas by Elton John
Christmas Is a Time to Say I Love You by Billy Squier
All I Want for Christmas is Your by Foghat
Run Run Rudolph by Dave Edmunds
Santa Clause Is Coming to Town by Bruce
Thank God It's Christmas by Queen
Elvin Bishop's version of Silent Night (just try it and see)
Added by Angela

I will hop on this one as well! My list will be coming soon.

I Believe in Father Christmas by ELP is a must! And my favorite.
Added by Wildcard

Sweet! We will get on it.
Added by bostonfrog

Also Merry Xmas Everybody by Slade and I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday by Wizzard
Added by buddahnj

lets crank out those dysfunctional xmas tunes pogues fairytale of ny and dropkicks murphy the seasons upon us
Added by bostonfrog

Christmas Wrapping by the Waitresses!
Added by Angela

Wildcard, feel free to go ahead and start putting some of these Christmas tunes into the mix.

Step Into Christmas - Elton John
Rock and Roll Christmas - George Thorogood & The Destroyers
I Believe in Father Christmas - ELP (there are actually 3 versions, the original by Greg Lake, and two others by ELP)
Silent Night - Elvin Bishop
Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses
Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You - Bill Squier
Father Christmas - The Kinks
Please Come Home for Christmas - Don Henley/Eagles
All I Want for Christmas Is You - Vince Vance & Valiants with Lisa Layne (and you can take the other song of this same title by Mariah Carey and....STAIRS)
The Twelve Gifts of Christmas - Allan Sherman
Twelve Days of Christmas - Bob & Doug McKenzie
Santa Claus and His Old Lady - Cheech & Chong
Santa Claus is Comin' to Town - Bruce Springsteen
Little Saint Nick - Beach Boys
Snoopy's Christmas - Royal Guardsman (hey, it's a fave from my childhood)

Come on Zoo Freaks, keep adding to the list!
Added by Wildcard

Christmas Day is all set to go. Enjoy all you knuckleheads!

Remember, when adding bourbon to your eggnog, go easy on the eggnog! ;)
Added by bobbyn

from the far west texas Wildcard.... well, that's just funny!~~ ... might sound redundant.... maybe a shot or two of Jameson or Tullamore Dew to start the Christmas season.... *tipshat* Salud Ladies and Gentlemen.... Bono Natale!! *MerryChristmas* ya'lls
Added by bobbyn

I havent been called a knucklehead since 84 in the was unusual!! Ha!
Added by Angela

Thanks for all your hard work Wildcard.

Added by GtoMorris

Great mix today!
I love being a knuckle head.
Added by Wildcard

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays! Thanks to all the zoo freaks that helped with music selections and special thanks to Ken & MJ and Charlie Kendall for the Christmas shows.

We are only here because you care enough to keep us around.

Please continue to share us with your family and friends.

Happy New Year everyone!
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