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Concerts you didn't plan on seeing, but glad you did!

Posted by: KDTO Willy on 7/21/2023 10:34 PM

Elton John - Salzburg (1993) - Didn't know he was in town that night. My brother-in-law and I were meandering the streets looking for a theater event for which we had tickets, but instead found ourselves at the far end of the stage (outside the fence) as Elton played the intro to 'Funeral For A Friend'. Great view, great sound. The hills were alive and sometimes luck just finds you.

R.E.M. - Toronto (2001) - We planned a visit to Eaton Centre that day and learned that R.E.M. was playing on Yonge Street outside the Centre for free... just show up, early. We did. Another great show! (R.I.P. Bill Rieflin - Please, check him out with Ministry, Robyn Hitchcock, R.E.M. and King Crimson - God, he was such a diverse talent!)

2 Replies
Added by Wildcard

For me it was Stevie Ray Vaughan. At the time he was unknown. He showed up in our college cafeteria that doubled as a performance room one Friday night. My buddies and I got $3 tickets and I think they gave them too us because they wanted to fill the room. We got there early so we sat up front. I remember us remarking about the rack of 12 guitars in wheels sitting stage left. We thought "Who does this guy think he is to need 12 guitars?!?" Yeah, snooty musician types. We were guilty.

So SRV comes out and blows our minds and our socks off. I couldn't believe we didn't know who this guy was. But remember, there was no internet or way to look up anyone beforehand. If you were sequestered in a college town, and they weren't on the radio, you where out of the music scene unless they came to you.
Added by The Bourbon Whisperer

Will sound like a Rock 'n Roll Alternative answer, but for me, the most unintentional show was Gary Myrick at West End in '86. (What was the name of that popular music club?) The Figures were done, and he hadn't moved to L.A. yet. That guy could tear up a guitar.
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