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Deserted Island- pick 5 bands

Posted by: The Bourbon Whisperer on 11/4/2024 12:57 PM

I posed this classic question to Wildcard some time ago...
You're marooned on a deserted island with the music of only 5 bands to listen to for a long, long time (you get to include all solo stuff from any members). Who are you choosing and why? Ready...set....go.

12 Replies
Added by Tomcat

Beatles, because their catalog is awesome, and the invidual members were all pretty awesome in their own rights.

Rolling Stones, because again, great catalog.

Fleetwood Mac, same.

Eagles, never get tired of the Eagles.

AC/DC, just good solid rock n roll.
Added by Wildcard

I assume there will be no coffee on the island, so I'll have AC/DC to pump me up.

I'm sure that I can find some semi-poisonous berries to trip on and feel introspective, so I'll have to have some Pink Floyd.

When I'm cruising around the island in my rag top convertible (remember, I'm tripping at this point), I'll have The Cars with me for sure.

When I'm falling asleep under the stars at night, I'll have Jackson Browne.

And any other time, I'll have Steely Dan on hand to keep the good grooves going.

(This is really hard because there are so many other bands I'd like to have with me so I would eventually need to be rescued!)
Added by The Bourbon Whisperer

Yours are great. The key is the solo and spin-off opportunities.
Just to mix it up, I'd go with:
*Led Zeppelin (solos, collabs, The Firm, Honeydrippers)
*Deep Purple (TONS of solo, Rainbow, Whitesnake, Poco)
*The Police (Sting; Summers does jazz/ fusion; Copeland does film scores)
*Genesis (you get Collins solo, Peter Gabriel, Mike+ The Mechanics)

I hate leaving out The Stones. I'd pick them if you hadn't.
Honorable Mentions to Van Halen and Toto.
Added by Wildcard

Good point. But I'll have berries! So won't be limited to reality. :)
Added by telemogeezic

Led Zeppelin
Pink Floyd
Steely Dan
Allman Brothers

My island would have an island of beautiful women about a mile away. I would be able to secretly float there whenever I desire. That is so rock n roll... lol
Added by Wildcard

Great choices! Wish we could just take the zoo with us!!!
Added by GerDon

Led Zeppelin
Pink Floyd
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Moody Blues
Added by Angela

Hey are we all on this island together? Because that would expand the music catalog...I'm just sayin'....
Added by bostonfrog

Iron Maiden
REO Speedwagon
Pink Floyd
Added by Mr. Robin

Emerson Lake & Palmer
Pink Floyd
Robin Trower
Ted Nugent
Mahogany Rush
Added by Zoobie Doo

Led Zeppelin
The Beatles
Pink Floyd
Added by Zoobie Doo

The "and why" is bringing back bad test memories and a fail on my answer just now. But school's out forever now.
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