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Feed stoppage

Posted by: greg on 7/14/2023 5:41 PM

Why does the zoo quit working all the time ? My wi-fi connection is perfect and iheart works perfectly,,I'm 62 yrs old and I hate dealing with shit,,I just want to relax and listen to music I grew up with !!!!!

5 Replies
Added by Wildcard

We want you to rock too greg! I suspect iHeart has installed malware to prevent the zoo from taking over your life.

But if that's not it, click on "about" and email me and we will see if we can figure it out together. :)
Added by greg

Lol,,,,where the "about" located
Added by Mogwai

The “About” is next to where you click “Gifts” at top of your ZooRocks window.
Wildcard is gonna get this figured out for ya, guaranteed!

Rock On!
Added by JayMan76

Just came aboard - glad to be here. The ZOO has been very good to me in so may ways over the years - I'm at least 25% ZEWKEENIE! Rock ON, Wildcard!
Added by greg

There is no about button besides "chat" next to the gift button??
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