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Happy Thanksgiving Zoo Freaks!

Posted by: Wildcard on 11/23/2023 10:12 AM

Wishing you and yours a blessed day!

3 Replies
Added by bill miles

Thanks Wildcard,
Celebrating here in Victoria BC thinking of my family in Hutto Texas. It's rare I'm not down there with everyone today but circumstances prevail. Next year I'll be back, smokin a J and rockin with the ZOO, on the sun porch waiting on the Turkey to be done .
Added by Zoobie Doo

No Alice's Restaurant at noon this year :(
Added by Wildcard

Oh man, we were going to play it but we opted for rum ham instead of turkey this year and started nibbling on it early and by noon we were all passed out on the floor so it never happened.

There’s always next year! Happy Thanksgiving Zoobie Doo!
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