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Help Keep the Spirit of Texas Rock Alive!

Posted by: Wildcard on 11/20/2024 12:23 PM

Dear Listener,

Since I took over in May 2023, our little station has been steadily growing, and I couldn’t be prouder of the unique entertainment we bring to the table. It’s been fascinating to discover just how much interest there is in reliving the spirit of Texas rock ‘n’ roll radio from the 70s and 80s. That distinctive blend of music and attitude we cultivated back then was truly special. Now, listeners of all generations can tune in and experience it for themselves—and they are! It’s been an absolute joy to share this journey.

Our progress wouldn’t have been possible without the passion and dedication of our amazing volunteers and supporters who believe in the magic of “free-form” radio—free from corporate influence. Thanks to this shared love, we’ve grown to tens of thousands of regular listeners. To keep the station running, we only need just over 1% of those listeners to subscribe and cover our fixed costs. And with additional support, we could achieve even bigger dreams, like promoting new artists and hosting live concerts—goals I’m incredibly excited about.

Right now, however, only about 0.01% of listeners contribute financially—many of them are my personal friends who believe in this experiment and want to see it thrive. While I’ve been covering the shortfall, it’s not a sustainable plan in the long run. If you’ve been enjoying the station but haven’t yet pitched in, I kindly ask you to reconsider. If you’re in a position to help, your contribution can make all the difference in ensuring we keep broadcasting this unique experience to the world.

Thank you so much for your support and for being part of this incredible journey!

5 Replies
Added by bostonfrog

PLEASE subscribe if you haven't yet. I listen to the Zoo all day every day at work, and I NEED it. I make no money off of this. I'm just a listener. I'm a subscriber, and I hope you'll become one, too. Otherwise you might need to pay my therapy bills
Added by Angela

Come on Zoo Freaks, let's keep our beloved Zoo up and running! The subscriber amount is a lot less than BostonFrog's therapy would cost, trust me.

And keep spreading the news about the Zoo. I was wearing a Zoo shirt the other day and someone at the grocery store noticed and said hey, I listened to that station all the time back in the day....told her it's back. Actually, this has happened several times, simply by wearing a t shirt. People see ZooLoo and the memories come back real quick.

If it's worthwhile for you to listen, then it's worthwhile to give a little financial support.

Wildcard, appreciate all your hard work!
Added by Dobbs

C'mon Zoo Freaks, It's time to step up! I'm a subscriber & you need to be too! Let's keep the Zoo fed.
Added by Shark Island

Finally a subscriber !!! I mean, this is the soundtrack to the greatest years of my life so I owe it to you. Thanks for keeping us and the music alive. If you know you know and you know that it will never be as good as that again !!!
Added by Wildcard

Thank you Shark Island!
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