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I have never asked....

Posted by: bobbyn on 4/30/2024 11:50 PM

lunatic fringe......

9 Replies
Added by Wildcard

Lunatic Fringe is in rotation, but for you brother, we will drop it in tonight at 11:21pm CST.
Added by bobbyn

2hrs 2kewl love this station....
Added by bobbyn

Dang....after an hour then comes wishing well.... more so it is Gary Moore who can slam that guitar!!~~
Added by bobbyn

Hey guys, is the pupper wearing the hat.... a Boston Terrier/ I have 11 of them.
Added by bobbyn

I may have heard the Roxx Gang down at deep ellen..>>>
Added by bobbyn

NAKED!!~~~WOO-HOO and kewl.....Triumph
Added by bobbyn

nice cut.... Vagrant of the Night...its been a long time i have heard this.
Added by bobbyn

Friggin' A!!...~~thanx guys...shirts definitely comin' this month.... 2Kewl..
Added by bobbyn

Lunatic Fringe>>>>
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