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i will burn one for you, Junior.

Posted by: bobbyn on 7/21/2024 9:25 PM

my doggir, Duke Junior II, he left this bridge for a higher road....the rainbow bridge. Thank you, My Little Man, came home just in time. He was waiting for me to get home and on spot; I was able to say later little one....from one end of texas to the other.... dallas to houston and then from west texas to little rock and back. I will miss you Handsome One.... great music KZEW!!~~

4 Replies
Added by Angela

So sorry you lost your furry pal, Bobbyn.
Added by bobbyn

Thanx, Angela..
Added by bostonfrog

Really sorry to hear this
Added by Wildcard

Go in peace, little rock n roll doggie. :(
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