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Jesse Welles?

Posted by: Barfoul on 9/16/2024 6:17 PM

I heard a song for the second time last week by Jesse Welles, I had to stop working and see who I was listening to.
I had never heard of Jesse Welles, checked him out on (you tube) and was awe struck! Guys been around for years.

That is why we need the Zoo! to introduce us to bands you wont hear elsewhere.

2 Replies
Added by Wildcard

Yeah, Jesse has many similarities to early Bob Dylan. He says what he wants. A novel idea. We are trying to get an interview set up with Ken Rundel for the Flower Power Hour.

Many of the newer artist we play are getting bigger gigs al the time so it's awesome to see the young bloods flourish!
Added by Barfoul

And he can shred a guitar as well as in his earlier works.
Thanks for sharing this talent.
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