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Joe Cocker!

Posted by: Angela on 8/7/2023 9:14 AM

Thanks for playing the version of "When The Night Comes" that includes the awesome guitar solo...I hate when they cut it out!

And I couldn't find the thread on fixing album covers, so, fyi, "When The Night Comes" is from the One Night of Sin album.

And you can NEVER play too much Joe Cocker for me!

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Added by Wildcard

Thanks for the kind words Angela. Yes, we will always play the long version since we don’t have commercials! :)

Yes we took down the album cover discussion because we have to redo the library of artwork so it’s easier for us to go through it album by album and not bother listeners with that never ending task. Eventually we will make it all the way through the catalog and get them all right as we have time. Thanks!
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