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Melissa Etheridge - Bring Me Some Water

Posted by: LoafDog on 2/29/2024 2:14 AM

I'm out. Don't like her voice. Don't like the song. No Alanis Morissette. No Kim Carnes. Gravel-voiced women are not my thing. Only gravel-voiced dude I like is Rod Stewart.

6 Replies
Added by Wildcard

LoafDog, the reason Melissa is on the zoo is because she is a good friend of the station and even was a guest DJ a few times back in the day. There are a few other artists on the zoo like her that might not seem to fit our style, but we pay tribute to them by sprinkling in a tiny bit. Hope that helps.
Added by bobbyn

thank you Wildcard... i have adored this woman, since when i first heard her voice. LoafDog...she is still cool. Seen her twice and one of the reasons I am here at the Zoo. remember when we first heard quiet riot and Accept....???? dude its all kewl..
Added by bobbyn

thank you Wildcard... i have adored this woman, since when i first heard her voice. LoafDog...she is still cool. Seen her twice and one of the reasons I am here at the Zoo. remember when we first heard quiet riot and Accept....???? dude its all kewl..
Added by bobbyn

only at 331/3
this is a lost weekend
Added by LoafDog

I apologize for being critical. It's a personal preference. However, I respect the respect you're giving her, and I'll try to keep my yap shut next time. Much love.
Added by LoafDog

And if it buys me any latitude, I have been spreading the word about my new obsession, this station. I'm only a jerk about 45% of the time, and that was one of those times.
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