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Posted by: Mogwai on 8/26/2023 9:37 PM

Calling all Zoo brothers and sisters. Please subscribe to a monthly donation. I want this station to live forever. I have lost all that I care about because of the radio demons.


1 Reply
Added by Wildcard

Thank you Mogwai for subscribing and the plea.

We do need much more to keep floating the boat. I’ll hopeful we can stay on the air.

I’m bankrolling this thing for now because I believe there’s a need for this station but won’t continue without a sign that more people want this station to live on.

No one including myself expects to get rich running an independent station, the numbers just don’t add up. But we can run on a shoe string and survive with only 1% contributing. So contribute with your ideas and your pocketbook and let’s build this thing together!

Call or email me anytime if you need convincing.

Peace, love, and rock and roll!

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