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New Audio Upgrade!

Posted by: Wildcard on 8/14/2023 12:28 PM

In our quest for the best sounding radio, in addition to being twice the fidelity of FM broadcast radio, as of today, we are now using a new EBU R 128 loudness technology that adjusts the zoo music stream in real-time to maintain optimal sound levels without compression. (Compression is a trick used by broadcast radio to emulate higher fidelity).

Now we have to cover the cost of this tech, so please subscribe, donate, or shop if you haven't done so already to help us cover the costs.

Thanks for rockin' with the zoo!

4 Replies
Added by bobbyn

Added by Zoobie Doo

Added by GerDon

Sounds great on my headphones. And in my SUV.
Thanx for doing that. I appreciate it.
Added by Wildcard

It does sound great. We did some testing and it definitely improves the sound of the older tracks that suffered from "thin" recording techniques prevalent at the time. It will cost us more each month but it will be worth it....

... for the most kick-ass radio station in the know universe!!!!
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