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Paul Val... on the ZOO

Posted by: telemogeezic on 7/8/2024 10:44 PM

All those rockers in the Austin TX area would know of Paul Val. He is a Texas rockin Blues type. The first time I heard him on the radio was today here on the ZOO. Give Paul a listen and keep playing awesome rock ZOO.

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Added by Wildcard

Yes teleogeezic! One of the pillars that made the zoo great in the good years was supporting new Texas blues rock artists that were under served by the music industrial complex.

We remember. So we are going back to our original playbook and supporting them in every way we can.

If we can raise the funds, we will put on concerts again across Texas and beyond to showcase these artists. We are a long way from that as we still struggle to pay the light bills, but the more the station grows, the more smarter people than me get involved and help me make it happen.

Rock n roll is about the journey and not the destination.

Thanks for tuning in!
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