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Q-SKY FM: Who Is Your Favorite DJ and/or Quote?

Posted by: Zoobie Doo on 12/22/2023 10:45 PM

Fav DJ -- Eric Swan (Martin Mull) "They're just like the picture"

Favorite quote by Mark Dugan, "Leave the pot out Alice, I think we're going to need it"

5 Replies
Added by bobbyn i will be first, Q_Sky fm....Zoobie Doo..... something out of north Dallas? since the question had not been discussed... Rock on!!
Added by Zoobie Doo

Added by Billy W

In September 1977, prior to the filming of FM, Martin Mull (Eric Swan) dropped by the KZEW studios to promote his latest comedy album and maybe research his upcoming role. Filming for FM began just weeks later.
Even though Mull's character didn't really mirror any of the Zoo staff, there were other's that did. Especially the Jeff Dugan character (played by Michael Brandon) that seemed to be a mirror image of KZEW's Program Director Ira Lipson. Ira even said it himself, "They stole the story of my life".
FM the movie was released in April 1978 and in spite of not being successful at the box office, it remains a cult classic to this day.
Added by Wildcard

So cool to see KZEW history reignited here. Billy knows!

KZEW was a blueprint for many rock stations (and movies). We are slowly unpacking the magic of the zoo, so it's great to see THE ZOO blasting off in listenership! We are doin' sumpin' right! There is a real need for a station that will play bands old and new that have been discarded by corporate radio.

We are learning from the past. Once corporate radio took over the zoo, it died. I won't let that happen. Period. So tell your friends to support us and let's become the best rock station again, one supporter at a time.
Added by Zoobie Doo

Thanks Billy! Great story. The 2019 Bluray re-scan release by Arrow Video is worth checking out. Extras and a two channel PCM option also.
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