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Really? the Zoo... not like I remembered it.

Posted by: p.i.s.s.o.f.f on 9/9/2024 3:34 PM

Besides I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in. While I am here I thought I'd Let it all Hang out. Music you say? Ok Pink Floyd Echos from the Meddle LP. the whole song

11 Replies
Added by Barfoul

I was a bit taken aback as well, but then realize, a lot of music has come out since the 80's, and a lot of it you will never hear on regular radio stations. So be patient and enjoy! And as for "Echos" (hell ya)!
Added by GerDon

No commercials!
Added by Wildcard

I get it. But you need to realize that KZEW can't survive as just a radio station museum. We have tons of vintage audio on the station for grins, but museums are dusty and quiet places.

Instead, we must look forward and imagine what the zoo would be like had it continued through time. We are trying to band together original fans that want to pass the great music and zoo experience on to those that were our age back then. There are many new artists that are influenced by the legends we grew up with, and they need a place to be heard, just like the new artists (now legends) needed back then.

THE ZOO is still what it always was, rock and roll with attitude, fun, and no regrets. With stuff that you won't hear anywhere else.

I invite you to hang out for a while, and I hope we win you over, but in the end, we aren't trying to impress anyone. We're the zoo! :)
Added by p.i.s.s.o.f.f

Wildcard, I applaud your efforts to keep the Zoo going and yes new artists need a place to play their music. You Tube and Spotify work very well.

As a shall we say an older person from days gone by and a very much listener of KZEW 92.5 from 1971 onward until about 1985 when for me. It was time to move on.

I got into the History of the KZEW, The DJ's. How the Station got started and even the infamous 45 minutes of silence LOL. I remember the DJ's on the late night KZEW saying for all you listeners gathered around the little round table :)

What times those were and the ZEW was there with us. great memories. Sadly we can never go back to those days/nights. Ah well times move on and so do people. Good luck with your project and I may stop in from time to time. P.i.s.s.o.f.f
Added by bobbyn

well, that was purdy much explained...change is invetible.....there are still.. hits out there. i would like to go with .... the old chapters that were back then. any case, raise some ears...back at Scott afb///
Added by Wildcard

p.i.s.s.o.f.f, thanks for your understanding brother!

What's pretty amazing is that this time around we have listeners from all over the world that tune in because they want to know what Texas rock radio was like back in the day and they are lovin' it. It's rewarding to be able to give them a glimpse of our roots.

Have a great day and rock on!
Added by The Bourbon Whisperer

The rebirth and new range of this station impresses, surprises and astonishes me daily. I think of myself as an above average versed audiophile… then the Zoo throws a curveball right to my ear! I hear minor hits I had completely forgotten about, but enjoyed, and new hits that lead me to following the newer acts that definitely belong on the Zoo v.2024.

Vintage station clips are the familiar sauce on a fantastic plate of enchiladas. Keep rocking’, everybody. And be sure to SUPPORT the Zoo with your dollars, big or small, to keep it commercial-free.
Added by p.i.s.s.o.f.f

Just thinking about KZEW brings back a lot of memories. It was a different time in the World. Living in Texas the best. The very first music I ever heard on KEZW was when I worked in a shop and one of the Guys listened to KZEW and the very first song I heard?

Echo's off of the Meddle LP. After that there was no turning back. The Kzew was the only station listened to 24/7 until mid 1985. and yep there were many nights my friends and I were gathered around the round table with KZEW. what a time that was.
Added by Walter

I arrived in Texas in the early 80s. Had never heard anything like the ZEW. The staff pretty much said and did whatever they wanted. That was a great time for radio in North Texas. I toured the broadcast cite that included channel 8 WFAA I recall sort of. There was this beat up scratched tower with a ZOO sticker on it. Heck I am the proud owner of what someone used to call KZEW bumper stickers. This is a cool project that has promise.
Added by The Bourbon Whisperer

Right there with you, Walter. And here's another anecdote of what the rebirth of this station means to people...
This weekend, I am flying back home to Dallas for my 40th high school reunion. Another vintage Zoo listener and high school friend is coming up from Houston for his first reunion in all these years, because he and I used to listen nonstop to the Zoo and he's been listening again.
Reunions aren't about living in the past; they're about appreciating and enjoying how far we've all come, and what lies ahead.
Long Live The Zoo.
Added by p.i.s.s.o.f.f

Many fine memory's of wild and crazy days/nights listening to KZEW., work KZEW, Home KZEW, in my car cruising with friends KZEW. There has not been another station like the KZEW.
Although its been years since then Just knowing I can listen to the KZEW again is a treat
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