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Rhodes B. Sports Desk

Posted by: Wildcard on 9/10/2023 2:21 PM

Stephen A. move along... Rhodes B. is here!!!

Rhodes is a local Dallas boy who is a whiz kid with a tremendous sports IQ. He and I have had so many amazing conversations about sports that I was compelled to asked him to run THE ZOO sports department.

So all you armchair quarterbacks listen up. This kid knows his sports and will make a prediction for tonight's Cowboys game. Please help me welcome Rhodes B.!

6 Replies
Added by Wildcard

Rhodes B. is 12 years old and knows more about sports on his little middle finger than most adults I know. He's been dead on in his assessment of each Cowboys Game so far.

We've had so many compliments. We are very proud of him!

You'll hear him at 8:20am & 5:20pm CST every day leading up to game day and 11:20am on game day.

Thank you for supporting Rhodes B. and THE ZOO!
Added by bobbyn

Added by greg

I like his reporting
Added by bobbyn

I rooted for the Boys but they lost .... my point, you are awesome dude, Rhodes B.! my mom loves the Cowboys. she would be impressed with his commentaries>> ;')
Added by bobbyn

maybe after 30yrs....
Added by Wildcard

For those that were asking, Rhodes B. Cowboys Scouting Report will now be weekly Friday, Saturday before Sunday games at 8:20am / 5:20pm CST and on game day at 11:20am.
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