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Spinning album cover

Posted by: blondeartiste on 9/7/2024 8:17 PM

IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! As a new listener I just opt out to the static one. Some info on the band would be nice maybe not DJ but printed info. Otherwise it's been a real trip to hear the music from decades ago. GO ZOO!

4 Replies
Added by Wildcard

Thanks for your feedback. You can also download the app Same fidelity, but no spinning record.
Added by blondeartiste

Same station?
Added by blondeartiste

How about stop the spinning? I like this station otherwise Weloveradio is boring
Added by Wildcard

Spinning records is kinda our thing.

What I do when I don't want to get hypnotized by the spinning, is to narrow the browser window and click on the album cover so it's no longer spinning and no more spinning record is visible.
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