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Posted by: Wildcard on 9/25/2024 11:05 AM

Street Team engaged!

Let's do this! Here's how easy it is to help:

1) Send an email to all your friends (and grown kids you may know) that love rock music and tell them to listen and spread the word. Follow up and ask them what they think about it.

2) Subscribe to the zoo. Still only a fraction of regular listeners contribute.

3) Order some wall tapestries from our shop, they are only $12 each and get them hung up in your local pub, auto shop, motorcycle club, live venue, college campus, office, etc. Anywhere you go, other rock n rollers will go too and they will find out about us.

4) Order zoo gear to wear it all the time and people will come up to you everyday and go WTF!?! The Zoo!? And you say, "Hell yeah"! I can have "Street Team" shirts created if you will purchase them.

5) Order zoo gear for the office and as gifts for your friends and college age (kids) you know. (Christmas is coming up and my whole family already knows what they always get from me! LOL)

Right now I am still subsidizing the zoo station since I purchased it in March of last year. My goal to reinvest any profits into promotional giveaways, support live remotes, and eventually live concerts for new artists that we play on the station. The music business is broken. Artists make too little and fans pay too much for tickets. Let's fix it.

Make no mistake, it will be an uphill battle against the establishment, they charge streaming stations exorbitant fees to keep us from attempting this. But, we are an underground station again, lean and mean, just like the beginning in 1973. The difference is that there is no corporate parent to derail us like the first time, society is ripe for another counter-cultural revolution, and we have worldwide reach now. Let's do something with it.

Us old-timers need to band together our time, talent, and resources and rebuilt this thing for the younger generations. It's more than a radio station, it's a lifestyle, and our legacy to pass to them. And they are the engine that will ultimately make it successful.

Who's in?

8 Replies
Added by GerDon

I’ve been in. I’ve already done a few of those things you listed. And I’ll wear a “Street Team”shirt.
Added by Zoobie Doo

Added by Billy W

Wildcard is right, you know. I hit the streets whenever I can... but the nurse comes out and takes me back inside.
Added by buddahnj

i work in a hs and i am pushing the badass 70s rock and roll rebellion
Added by Wildcard

Thanks everyone. I need to work harder to get everyone involved. If you know people that run car shows, motorcycle rallies, concert promoters, live music venue operators, or anywhere rock and rollers hang out, please let me know.
Added by Zoobie Doo

Added by Zoobie Doo

Added by Wildcard

Thanks ZOOBIE DOO. We will reach out the them. Sounds like a good fit.
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