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The Zoo began 50 years ago today!

Posted by: Billy W on 9/18/2023 12:37 AM

Happy 50th to the Zoo crew of years past.

Rock & Roll first came to Dallas on September 18, 1964 when The Beatles played the Dallas Memorial Auditorium on their first US tour. Nine years later (Number 9?) to the day in 1973 the Zoo is born. Another funny thing about the Zoo's birthday is that The Beatles song "Birthday" was recorded on September 18, 1968. I wonder when they played the song on the Zoo's birthday, if they knew it was the birthday of the song "Birthday".

Then on September 18, 1978 on the Zoo's 5th birthday, a television show debuts on CBS called "WKRP" about a conservative owned, easy listening radio station that is taken over by rock and rollers. Sound familiar?

3 Replies
Added by Angela

Wow, 50 years.....Happy Birthday to The Zoo, the best rock radio station EVER!

Always thought the Zoo was very much like WKRP....rebel rockers!

Play the really long songs so the DJ can take a little break....album cuts that were never played on typical top 40 stations...introducing bands to the listening audience that may never have heard them any other way.

Still loving every minute of it!
Added by bostonfrog

Absolutely love the revived Zoo. And WKRP is my favorite TV show of all time.

I listened to the Zoo when I was growing up. Every pickup and Camaro in Midlothian had a Zoo sticker.
Added by bobbyn

WKRP was my fav.... mostly cuz of the parallel i seen between those years with others in the networks...even back in 74 college oriented rock. mostly in the midwest>. i was there at the end....I missed the Zew....but NOT no more> its always with me>
wildcard....its gettin' there> Salud to all who are there to listen.... RUSH!! 0220 092123
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