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THE ZOO will be flying high at Wildflower Festival in May!

Posted by: Wildcard on 3/29/2024 9:08 AM

THE ZOO is ready to spread it's wings! I am proud to announce to our committed zoo freaks here first that we will be a sponsor at the awesome Wildflower Music Festival in Richardson, Texas, May 17-19.

Grab your tickets (and hotel rooms) today and come meet the zoo crew and support the rebirth and rise of the new zoo!

Join us and together we will kick corporate radio in the pants.

5 Replies
Added by bill miles

Travelling down to Texas isn't in my near future but I'll be there in spirit.
Rock on My fellow Freaks
Long Live the ZOO
Added by Zoobie Doo

Added by Billy D

Cool. I'll be on the look out for you.
Added by bobbyn

dang, from being in west texas....will be in dallas the first part of may ....may 3rd see yalls Wildcard and Chaz>>> with the shirts..
thanx for the music guys
Added by Wildcard

@BOBBYN give me a ring when you get to town and we'll get together.
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