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When one radio hit completely overshadows another from the same album

Posted by: The Bourbon Whisperer on 1/27/2024 6:17 PM

The Zoo played the Smithereens' hit "A Girl Like You" the other morning. Every time I hear it, I remember the other hit "Blues Before and After" from the same album. Very similar sound and rhythm, and "Blues..." was actually the first single released from that album. However, "A Girl Like You" had the album's coveted first spot. As time passes, younger programmers may forget an album's hit songs; it seems most stations go with that first song off of an album that was popular for its time.

What other radio hit single can you think of that, over time, got completely overshadowed by another hit from the same album?

2 Replies
Added by Wildcard

Interesting. I suspect the first song on the album got played more because it’s easiest on a turntable. Kinda like google top search results get clicked the most.

To answer your question, Sammy Hagar released a single “VOA” on the album of the same name. He was sure it would be the big hit. It’s a good song and we play on the zoo, but we also play another song from that album: “I Can’t Drive 55”. He said later that he never saw that comin!
Added by JD from Big D

Good call. VOA was a great album (and song) but clearly "55" was the chart hit.

The first Van Halen record might meet Bourbon's challenge. If I recall right, The Kinks cover 'You Really Got Me' was the first official single though it was surpassed by 2-3 other tracks on the album in the long run.
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