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youngen with a KISS shirt dated 1976

Posted by: bobbyn on 6/27/2023 9:56 PM

Story time:
So today, after the pub, i went to the local DK (7-11) store to get some wine. The clerk had a shirt from Kiss circa 1976; told him that I seen that concert but in August of that year b4 going into the Air Force. He was enthusiastic and told me that he likes AC/DC; so like a good neighbor i gave him the site for the zoo. When I was a youngen, I knew what he was talking about and what this feeling for this music meant. have a great evening folks.

4 Replies
Added by bobbyn

some new stuff added? rcvd an email of the above post. nice touch.
Added by Wildcard

Thanks for turning a youngen on to the zoo! So many of them these days need a safe place to just press play and tune out for a while. That’s what it’s all about.
Added by bobbyn

Added by bobbyn

skooby doo...skooby do...telll me what to do...
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