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Posted by: bill miles on 7/20/2023 12:20 AM

Hey Guys,
Just listened to Frank singing "You are What You Is."
Please Please Please if your going to be brave and play his music, which I firmly support and encourage, Don't bleep or otherwise mask any words.
I was disappointed that you chose to do so. Yes the "N" word is culturally sensitive to some but its integral to the verse.
Just the opinion of a Zappa fan and loyal supporter of the ZOO.

2 Replies
Added by KDTO Willy

I agree with Bill wholeheartedly - The allure of this project is that it is a time-capsule, of sorts, for a beloved radio station that caught the rock-n-roll Zietgeist of the 1970s and 1980s... like... no... other... station... did.

KZEW didn't bleep the expletives in The Who's 'Dr Jimmy' or 'Who Are You?', nor in Pink Floyd's 'Pigs' or 'Money', or Steve Miller's 'Jet Airliner'. The choice of lyrics was the artists' vehicle to express an emotion's intensity. (Anybody down for reading a censored version of 'The Catcher In The Rye'?)

Too, culturally insensitive words should be heard in context. I think most people understood tacitly that Dire Straits' 'Money For Nothing' was lyrically a sardonic social commentary between two fictional characters, not an anthem against a vulnerable community. (Thank you Mtv for making that explicitly clear in 1985.)

We do have a problem however. How to make our edgy angst of the past more palatable (and marketable) to the masses who use Classic Rock as their office background music - Goodness, have we become the new KOAX and KMEZ? (Remember those DFW muzak stations?... takes me right back to the dentist's office... but I digress.)

To survive we have to give a little. Business hours softening to appease the masses... Okay, I'll buy into that as a part of a sustaining business model. It's a small price. But the rest of the day's hours should be an adult swim that adheres to the standards of the original ZOO. Those standards are a HUGE missing piece in present day terrestrial airplay, and largely why we are drawn HERE.
Added by Wildcard

I'll look into the version we have. Probably a radio edit. We don't edit the music in the library.
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