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Posted by: Wildcard on 6/24/2023 4:51 PM

So it's been a few weeks since we launched THE ZOO radio station. Lots of long days and late nights unpacking the record crates and building the station's infrastructure. And we are still at it!

Digging through the massive archives made me think: What does "Classic Rock" even mean? For most people, it means a collection of greatest hits from the 60s and 70s: The Beatles, The Doors, The Who, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Rush, Yes, etc. The usual suspects.

But THE ZOO is so much more than that. I don't think "Classic Rock" is what defines us. In fact, I would describe THE ZOO as a musical journey that follows the rise of the blues rock guitar heros. Some would say it was ignited by Hendrix, Stills, Clapton, Page, and Beck in the late 60s. This was amped up in the 70s by the likes of Blackmore, Gibbons, Gilmour, Iommi, May, Marino, Moore, Perry, Scholz, Schon, Trower, Travers, Van Halen, Walsh, and (Angus) Young. Then SRV, Bonamassa, Lynch, Vai, Gillis, Gilbert, Mustaine, K.K. Downing, Sambora, Slash, and many others carried the torch through the 80s.

So what style of music do these legends of rock play? Is it Classic Rock? Well, Blues, Soft Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Country, Rockabilly, Jazz Fusion, New Wave, Folk, and even Reggae is more accurate. Some blended several of these musical styles together and wrapped them in fantastic songwriting. Their amazing creativity means we can take our fingers off the "skip" button and relax poolside and let this timeless music find us.

And so as you are soaking in the Sun and good vibes from the commercial-free music delivered in near CD-quality sound, know that we continue to take more pages from the KZEW playbook. Zany DJs, exclusive ZOO concert recordings, artist interviews, rare studio demos, and our fair share of adolescent humor to complete your ZOO experience.

We hope you will give THE ZOO a chance. Take THE ZOO with you to and from work, or out on the weekend, and see if it isn't the most kick-a$$ radio station in the known universe. And you don't even need an app. Just go to on any device and press play.

If you haven't contributed to our project yet, please consider making a monthly donation of any amount at We have bills to pay and the radio industry fat cats have fixed the game so we must pay much more than they do for same right to play this amazing music. But we are undeterred and come ready to fight for our right to rock!

Have a great weekend!


2 Replies
Added by GerDon

Well put! To everyone who is responsible for bringing the station back. Thank you! I haven’t touched my Spotify and haven’t watched as much crap on tv. Wish I was still working and not retired drawing SS so I could help out. Feel a little guilty while listening. But I will manage to buy some stickers, cap, and shirts so I can advertise and let even the people I don’t know that it’s back.
Added by bobbyn

Hey what can i say when I hear: Triumph....lay it on the line> thanx guys>>
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