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today the 15th Jun

Posted by: bobbyn on 6/15/2024 2:19 PM

Just tuned in after cutting the grass....
DR, DR MSG, and then Robin Trower Little Bit of Sympathy.
How can you not know that the day is gonna be like an Eagle ...Woohoo!!

2 Replies
Added by bobbyn

per a few hours later, 3 margaritas which are golden (enhanced by gran marnier)....then 3 shots of gran marnier with my Sgt Major at the VFW... by the way they love this kind of r'n'r.... woohoo....!! Dirty Looks it not the way you rock!! its the way that you roll....
Added by bobbyn

I have a station after my own soul...Rory Gallagher Bad Penny I have heard in decades.... Nice, Chaz!!
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